Books by others

Listed here are books on dance authored or edited by persons or organizations who are not Members of the International Dance Council CID.
    These books are part of the personal library of Alkis Raftis. They can be consulted at the Library of the Dora Stratou Dance Theater in Athens. For information on these books write to the Theater. You can ask for photocopies of some pages.

 Last update : 13/02/2015

Adshead-Lansdale, Janet & Layson, June (ed.): Dance history. London, Routledge, 1994.

Aelbrouck, Jean-Philipe van: Les contredanses du Journal Musical Liègeois “L’Echo”. Bruxelles, 1986.

Albano, Elena & Bagliani, Carlo & Franceschini Beghini, Marco: Incontri scienza ed Arte 1993 : Medicina e danza. Torino, Centro di Medicina per la Danza & Centro di Medicina per l’Arte, 1993.

Alfonso Rey, Francisco: Grandes momentos del ballet romantico en Cuba. Cuba, La Habana, Instituto Cubano del Libro, 2002.

Allen, Richard James: The air dolphin brigade. Australia, Paper Bark Press & U.K. Shoestring Press in ass. with Tasdance, 1960.

Allen, Richard James: What to name your baby. Australia, Paper Bark Press & Tasdance, 1995.

Allen, Richard James: New life on the 2nd floor. Australia, Tasdance, 1995.

Allsop, Ivor: Longsword dances from traditional and manuscript sources. Vermont, Northern Harmony Publishing Company, 1996.

Amberg, George: Ballet. New York, 1949.

Anand, Mulk Raj: The dancing foot. Delhi, The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, 1957.

Arma, Edmée: Voyez comme on danse. Paris, Henry Lemoine, 1946.

Assunçao, Fernando & others: La danza en Uruguay. Paraguay, CID, 2001.

Aubert, Danièle: La danse, fenêtre ouverte sur le sport. Paris, Epigones, 1989.

Avelar, Miguel Gonzalez: 50 anos de danza. Mexico, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1984.

Baignères, Claudes (Préface): Danse & toile. Paris, Carte Blanche – Jean Picollec.

Baignères, Claude: Ballets d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Paris, Plon, 1954.

Bakka, Egil: Norkse Dansetradisjonar. Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget, 1988.

Balanchine, George: Histoire de mes ballets. New York, 1954, 291 p.

Ballet book (in Russian), 1975.

Baril, Jacques: Dictionnaire de danse. France, Microcosme – Editions du Seuil, 1964.

Basel Tanzt Anders. Basel, IG Tanz Basel / Tanz-Kampagne, 2003.

Bech, Marit: La danza e i bambini.

Berge, Yvonne: Danse la vie. France, Le Souffle d’Or, 1994.

Bessy, Claude et al: 15 histoires de danse. Paris, Gautier-Languereau, 1972.

Benet, Sula: Song, dance and customs of Peasant Poland. Poland, Polish Heritage Publication, 1996.

Bharata Natyam, danse classique de l’Inde. Berlin, 1970.

Bibliographies des ballets Russes de Serge de Diaghilev, Decembre 1996.

Binet, J.: Sociétés de danse chez les Fang du Gabon. Paris, O.R.S.T.O.M., 1972.

Boas, Franziska: The function of dance in human society. N.Y., Dance Horizons, 1944, 1972.

Bois, Mario & Paoletti, G. (ed.): Les systèmes de notation de la danse, Fascicule No 7, mai 1992. Paris, Comité français de la danse, 1992.

Bois, Mario (ed.): Catalogue des ballets des compositeurs français, fascicule No 6, Novembre 1989. Paris, Comité français de la danse, 1989.

Bohme, Fritz: Der tanz in der Kunst. Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Walter Seifert, 1924.

Bollier, Patrick: Danses en Flandre sous la révolution. Armentières, FLESD, 1989.

Bon, Stella: Les grands courants de la danse. Paris, Richard Masse.

Book on dance (in Russian), 1968.

Bonaviri, Giuseppina: La danzaterapia. Roma, Kappa, 1984.

Boué, Ami: Recueil d’itinéraires dans la Turquie d’Europe, tome 1. Vienne, 1854

Bourcier, Paul: Danser devant les dieux. Paris, 1978, 424 p.

Bourcier, Paul: Histoire de la danse en Occident. Paris, Seuil, 1978 et novembre 1994.

Boyunca, Caglar and Olarak, Iletisim Sanati: Dans ve Halkdanslari. M. Tekin Kockar. Ankara, Subat, 1998.

Bra, André de & Voor, Nora van de & Hendricks: Gentse Kontradansen. Antwerpen, 1987.

Bra, André de & Voorde-Hendricks, Nora Van de: Gentse Kontradansen. Antwerpen, 1987.

Brahms, Caryl: Footnotes to the ballet. London, Peter Davies, 1947.

Briginshaw, Valerie: A directory of dance contacts in European higher education. England, 1991.

Brillant, Maurice: Problèmes de la danse. Paris, 1953, 224 p.

Broilland, Edmond & Simonnet, Valérie: Danser: Un loisir, une passion, un métier…. France, Puits Fleuri, 2002.

Broske, Janet (curatora and Senior Editor): Line Dance: Abraham Walkowitz’s Drawings of Isadora Duncan. Delaware, University Gallery, 2000.

Bruneau, Daniela: L’enseignement de la musique et de la danse en Europe. Paris, éd. Imp., 1991.

Buckle, Richard: Dancing for Diaghilev. London, 19..

Burdsall, Lorna: More than just a footnote, dancing from Connecticut to Revolutionary Cuba. Cuba, Lorna Burdsall, 2001.

Cabrera, Miguel: Ballet Nacional de Cuba, medio siglo de Gloria. Cuba, Miguel Cabrera, 1998.

Carlson, Carolyn (préface): Paroles de danse. Paris, Albin Michel, Carnets de sagesse, 2000

Castagna, Ettore: Danza tradizionale in Calabria. Catanzaro, Raffaele Lombardi Satriani, 1988.

Casvikis, Const. : Chorégraphiques, les maçons et l’amarante de Megali Lobotina. Athens, 1991.

Catalogue. Ten years of films on ballet and classical dance 1956-1965. Paris, Unesco, 1968.

Chalif, Louis H.: The Chalif text book of dancing. Book 3: Greek dancing. New York, 1920, 232 p.

Chantraine, Françoise: La danse de la vie. Paris, Les éditions du CERF, 1998.

Choiseul-Gouffier, le comte de: Voyage pittoresque dans l’Empire Ottoman, en Grèce, dans la Troade, les ξles de l’Archipel et sur les côtes de l’Asie-Mineure. Paris, Aillaud, 1842. [AR]

Choreola, rivista di danza popolare italiana, anno V, 1995, primavera.

Christout, Marie-Françoise: Le ballet de Cour au XVIIe siècle. Genève, Minkoff, 1987.

Cirigliano, Anna: Le danze popolari greche. Roma, Accademia Nationale di Danza, 1989-1990.

Cinquantenaire des Ballets Suédois 1920-1925. Collection du Musée de la Danse de Stockholm. 1971.

Civilisation roumaine milllénaire dans le musée Astra. Sibiu, 1995.

Clarke, Mary & Crisp, Clement: The dancer, man and dance, translation in Greek by Alexis Kostalas. Athens, Sikiris, 1984. [in greek language]

Coimbra Augusto Fernando : Arqueologia do Som, Música e Metafísica ©Textiverso & Várias Vozes 1.ª edição: Setembro 2022, Leiria Portugal, 214 p.Concours de Lausanne, Chorégraphes nouveaux, Prix Philip Morris. Belgique, 1998.

Copeland, Roger & Cohen, Marshall: What is dance? Oxford & New York, Toronto, Melbourne, 1983.

Correa-Giffoni, Maria Amalia: Jardin, danca do milho, pipoca. Patos de minas: Sindicato rural de Patos de Minas-MG, 1983.

Corréard, J.: Guide maitime et stratégique dans la Mer Noire. Paris, 1854.

Corer, Geoffrey: Africa dances. England, 1935.

Corrsin, Stephen: Sword dancing in Europe – A history. Great Britain, Hisarlik Press, 1997.

Coulentianou, Joy: The goat-dance of Skyros. Athens, Hermes, 1977.

Cowan Jane: Dance and the body politic in Northern Creece. New Jersey, PrincetonUniversity.

Cowan, Jane: Dance and the body politic in Northern Greece. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1954.

Cowley, Robert: “Our dancing daughters”, Horizon, Autumn 1967, Vol. IX, No 4. [98-99 pages].  From the book: Horizon: 1966(2-4), ’67(1-4), ’68(1-4), ’69(1-4), ’70(1-4), ’71(1-4), ’72(1-4), ’73(1-4), ’74(1-4), ’75(2,3), ’76(1-4), 77(1-4). USA, American Heritage Publishing.

Créer dans le créé. Modern architectural creation in old buildings. Athens, French Institut ICOMOS, greek section, Non-profit Found. of Greek Bank of Industrial development, 1987. [in greek language]

Crosfield, Domini: Dances of Greece. London, Max Parrish, 1948.

D’Afrique en Orient, musiques, danses et arts traditionnels. Genève, Ateliers d’ethnomusicologie, 1994.

Dances of the Peoples of Siberia. Novosibirsk, Russia, 2002.

Dance Research. The Journal of the Society for Dance Research, 32/1, Summer 2000.

Dance Research. The Journal of the Society for Dance Research, Vol. IV, No 2, Fall 1986, 28/2 1996. London, Society for Dance Research, 1986.

Dancing. Rome, Belvedere Publications, 1995.

Dansboek. Belgium, D’Oude Kapel, 1985.

Dansons de la valse aux danses “dans le vent”. Verviers, Gerard & Co, 1966.

Dansuri populare rominesti, 1. Bucuresti, 1956, 170 p.

Dassault, Olivier: Danses de feu, texte de Anne Sigier. Canada, Desclée, 1987.

Davies, H. & Beasant, P.: Practical manual – Dance. Athens, Mamouth, 1988. [in greek language] double

Davies, Helen: Practical Manual – Ballet. Athens, Mamouth, 1988. [in greek language] dedication

Décoret-Ahiha, Anne: Les danses exotiques en France 1880-1940. Pantin, Centre National de la Danse, 2004.

Detskova, I.: Zagadki Terpsichori. Moscow, Detskaya Literatura, 1989.

Dansuri din tari de democratie populara: Bucuresti, 1957.

Decitre, Monique: Danses et chants traditionnels de France. Paris, les éditions de l’illustration, 1985.

Delavaud-Roux, Marie-Hélène: Recherches sur la danse dans l’antiquité grecque, tomes I, II, III. Aix – Marseille, Université d’ Aix – Marseille, 1991.

Delavaud-Roux, Marie-Hélène: Les danses armées en Grèce antique. Aix-en-Provence, Université de Provence, 1993.

Delavaud-Roux, Marie-Hélène: Les danses pacifiques en Grèce Antique. Aix-en-Provence, Université de Provence, 1994.

Delavigne, Marcelle Fauchier: Le sourire de la danse. Paris, Plon, 1933.

Der Deutsche Volkstanz, tanz und tradition, Band I

Destrée, Claire: Rythme et plastique dans les danses de Isadora Duncan, étude des textes et des documents iconongraphiques, tome I. Louvain la Neuve, Université Catholiqie de Louvain, 1987.

Dienes, Gedeon Dr. (compiled by): European Dance Research Information Directory, 2nd edition. Budapest, 2000.

Dominguez Ruiz Celia : Danzas tradicionales Paraguayas, 3rd edition. Paraguay, 2000.

Dunin, Elsie Ivancich & Zebec, Tvrtko (editors): Proceedings, 21st Symposium, ICTM study group on ethnochoreology, 2000 Korcula. Zagreb, Croatia, ICTM study group on Ethnochoreology and Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, 2001.

Duncan, Isadora: La danse de l’avenir. France, Complexe, 2003.

Duncan, Isadora: Isadora danse la révolution, traduit de l’anglais par Marie-Claude Peugeot. Monaco, Rocher, 2002.

Dyroff, H. D. & Traguth, F.: Tanz der Welt 1992. Bonn, Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, 1992.

Dziewanowska, Ada: Polish folk dances & songs. New York, Hippocrene Books, 1997.

Edom, Helen etc.: La danse. Londres, Usborne, 1999.

Efthymiou, Labros: Series of songs “The bridge of Arta”. Thessaloniki, 2014, 399 p.

Egger, Franz (texts): Basler Totentanz. Basel, Buchverlag Basler Zeitung und Historisches Museum Basel, 1990.

Egri, Susanna: Mezzo secolo di danza. Torino, Centro di Studi della Danza, 1996.

Ellis, Havelock: The dance of life. Boston and New York, Houghton Mufflin, 1923. Chapter 2 only [Ellis01.doc]

Emmanuel, Maurice: La Danse Grecque antique. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1896.

Emmanuel, Maurice: The antique Greek dance after sculptured and painted figures. New York, John Lane, 1916, 304 p.

Emmanuel, Maurice: La danse grecque antique. Genève, Slatkine Reprints, 1967.

Engdahl, Horace: Swedish ballet and dance. Sweden, Bohusläningens Boktryckeri AB, 1992.

European Dance, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Robin Rinaldi, Chelsea House Publishers, 2004

Exley, Helen (ed.): Dance lovers’ quotations. New York, Exley, 1993.

Fatauros, J. & Heringa, T.: Doe dans festival. Utrecht, LCV, 1987.

Fauley Emery, Lynne: Black dance from 1619 to today. Princeton, Dance Horizons, 1988.

Feliksdal, Benjamin: Modern Tap Dance. Amsterdam, Bekebooks, 2004.

Festa, Vincenzo: Sikinnis, storia di un antica danza. Napoli, Tipografia Cimmaruta dell’ Università, 1915.

Festival International de danse Africaine, Séminaire International, danse, guérison et le sacré en Afrique, 17-19/01/2001. Libreville, Gabon, CID, 2001.

Folk Directory 1981. London, The English Folk Dance and Song Society 1981.

Folk Directory 1988. London, The English Folk Dance and Song Society, 1988.

Fonteyn, Margot: A dancer’s word. U.K., 1978.

Fonteyn, margot: The magic of dance. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.

Fowler, Charles: Dance as education. America, 1977.

Fraleigh, Sondre Horton: Dance and the lived body. Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1987.

Franklin, Eric: Conditioning for Dance, training for peak perfomance in all dance forms. U.S.A.: Eric Franklin, Human Kinetics, 2004.

Gaaloul-Zayane, Sonia (texts): How to teach, create and perform Egyptian Oriental dance & Arabic Oriental dance. Brussels, 2004-2005.

Gallini, Clara: La danse de l’Argia. Paris, Verdier, 1988.

Garaudy, Roger: Danser sa vie. Paris, 1973, 197 p.

Gautier, Théophile: Ecrits sur la danse. Paris, Actes Sud, 1995.

Gervis, Pearce: C’est arrivé dans la Sierra Leone. Paris, Albin Michel, 1957.

Ginner, Ruby: The technique of the revived Greek dance. London, Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, 1981.

Ginner, Ruby: Gateway to the dance. London, Newman Neame, 1960.

Glauser, Christine: Verlobung und Hochzeit in Eratira als Musik- und Tanzereignisse, Lizentiatsarbeit in der Philosophischen Fakultät I der Universität Zürich, Musikethnologie, 2 vol. Zürich, 1998.

Goldscheider, Cécile (présentation): Danse vingt-quatre etudes de Rodin. Paris, Albert Morancé, 1968.

Goulimaris, Dimitrios: Quelques aspects du phénomène de la danse dans les regions de Malgara et de Kessani dans le cadre de la population grecque. Brussel, Vrije Universiteit, 1992-1993.

Guelbet, Vladimir:  Tras las huellas de la escuela rusa de ballet en Chile, tesis de Doctorado en el Instituto Superior de Arte de Cuba, 2010.

Guerra, Ramiro: Coordenadas Danzarias. Cuba, Ramiro Guerra, 1999.

Guerra, Ramiro: Eros baila, danza y sexualidad. Cuba, Editorial Letras Cubanas, 2000.

Guerra, Ramiro: Apreciacion de la danza. Cuba, Ramiro Guerra, 2003.

Guerra, Ramiro: De la narratividad al abstraccionismo en la danza. Cuba, Centro de investigacion y desarrollo de la cultura cubana Juan Marinello, 2003.

Guerrier, Claudine: Chorégraphie et société. Paris, 1990, 237 p.

Guest, Ivor: Le ballet de l’Opera de Paris. Paris, Théâtre National de l’Opera, 1976.

Guilcher, Jean-Michel: La contredanse. Paris, Mouton, 19..

Guilcher, Yves: Culture traditionnelle et danse ancienne. Brest, Université de Bretagne occidentale, 1993-1994.

Guilcher, Jean-Michel: Rondes, branles, caroles. Le chant dans la danse. Brest, Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, Univ. de Bretagne Occidentale et Atelier de la Danse Populaire, 2003.

Guide de la danse en Communauté française de Belgique [1] l’enseignement. Bruxelles, Contredanse, 1999.

Guilcher, Yves: La danse traditionnelle en France. France, FAMDT, 1998.

Guilcher, Jean-Michel: La tradition populaire de danse en Basse Bretagne. Paris, Mouton & Co, 19..

Guy, Jean-Michel: Les publics de la danse. Paris, La Documentation Française, Ministère de la culture et de la communication, département des études et de la prospective, 1991.

Häger, Bengt (ed.): The dancer’s world: Problems of today and tomorrow, Cultural Development. New York, First International Choreographer’s Conference, CID, 1978.

Häger, Bengt (ed.): Le monde de la danse: problèmes d’aujourd’hui et de demain, Dévelop. culturel, dossier documentaire No 20. Paris, Unesco, 1980.

Hamilton, Alex (selection): Blodau’r Grug. Wales, The Welsh Folk Dance Society, 1992.

Hart, Mickey: Voyage dans la magie des rythmes. Paris, Robert Laffont, 1993.

Heaney, Mike: An introductory bibliography on Morris dancing. London, Vaughan Williams Memorial Lib rary & English Folk Dance and Song Society, 1995.

Hecker, Justus Friedrich Carl : The dancing mania. Translated from the German by B. G. Babington. London (?), 1832 [Hecker01.doc]

Heikkilä, Sari (ed.): Old Finnish folk dances. Helsinki, Finnish Folklore Association, 1988.

Hentschke, Th.: Allgemeine Tanzkunst. Stralsund, 1836.

Herman, Michael: Folk dances for all. New York, Barnes & Noble, 1953, 100 p.

Hillestrom, Gustaf: Theater und ballet in Schweden. Stockholm, 1956.

Hinkley, Coralie: In transit, dance and poetic images. Australasia, AERRI, 1997.

Hofmann, Rostislav: La danse, avant-propos de Serge Lifar. Paris, SFDMA.

Hooreman, Paul: Danseurs à travers les temps. Paris, Fernard Nathan, 1953.

Horton Fraleigh, Sondra & Hanstein, Penelope (editors): Researching Dance, evolving modes of Inquiry. London, Dance Books, 1999.

Huet, Michel & Fodeba, Keita: Les hommes de la danse. Lausanne, La Guilde du Livre, 1954.

Hugh, Tracey: African dances. Johannesburg, Cape Times, 1952, 153 p.

Hutchinson-Guest, Ann: Your move. A new approach to the study of movement and dance (second prining). New York, Gordon and Breach, 1990.

Huw Bowen, Robin: Cadw Twmpath. One Hundred More Welsh Folk Dance Tunes. Wales, The Welsh Folk Dance Society, 1993.

Ihr müsst alle nach meiner Pfeife tanzen. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2000.

Ikema, Hiroyuki: Folk dances of Japan. Japan, 1981.

Imeneo, Faustissimo: “Le danze dei Greci descritte e pubblicate…”, 52-63. Milano, Imperiale Regia Stamperia, 1820.

Jacob, Ellen: Dancing. Canada, 1981.

Jacob, Ellen: Dancing. A guide for the dance

Jacquemard, Simonne: Danse de l’orée, poésie. Paris, Seuil, 1979.

Jaggi, Hugo: Griechischer Tanz. Pfeffingen, Hugo Haggi, 1992.

Jankovic, Ljubica & Jankovic, Danica: Danses populaires I-VI. Belgrade, 1934-1949.

Jayadena: Danses et poèmes d’amour. Paris, Alain Mazeran, 1988.

Joaquim, Antonio: Danse populaire, de Dionysos au rebetiko. Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1997-8.

Joannis-Deberne, Henri: Danser en société. Paris, Bonneton, 1999.

Jourdain, Maddy: La danse, une parole. Paris, Le Centurion, 1982.

Jovanovits, Mara: Ballett. 1958.

Jowit, Deborah: Time and the dancing image. America, 1988.

Kahane, Martine: L’art des Ballets Russes 1908-1929. Paris, Gallimard, 1990.

Kahane, Martine (texte) : 1909-1929 les Ballets Russes à l’Opéra. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale & Luis Vuitton, 1992, 80 p.

Kaiser, Gert: Der Tanzende Tod. Germany, Insel Verlag.

Karsavina, Tamara: Ballet technique. London, Adam and Charles Black, 1957.

Katzarova-Kukuva, Raina & Kiril Djenev: Bulgarian folk dances. Sofia, The science and art state Publishing House, 1958, dedication, p. 67.

Kefen, Wang: The history of Chinese dance. Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1985.

Kefen, Wang: Histoire de la danse chinoise. Beijing, Editions en Langues étrangères, 1988.

Kendall, Elizabeth: Where she danced. New York, Knoff, 1979.

Kennedy, Peter: Films on traditional music and dance a first international catalogue. Paris, 1970.

Khokar, Ashish Mohan: Attendance, The Dance Annual of India 2000. U.K., Ekah-Printways, 2000.

Khokar, Ashish: Attendance, the dance annual of India 2003-04. India, Ekah-Printways, 2003.

Kolleros, Eleftherios: Dance teaching via multiple representations. 1998.

Kothari, Sunil & Pasricha, Avinash: Odissi, Indian classical dance art. India, Marg Publications, 1990.

Kriner, Dora: Ensayos sobre el ballet. Buenos Aires, 1964.

Krogsaeter, Johan: Folk dancing in Norway, translation by B. Koren, 2nd edition. Oslo, Tanum-Norli, 1982.

Kubinowski, Dariusz (Editor): Dance Choreology Humanities. Poland, Rhytmos, 2000

Kyriacou, Charles: Voices from the world of Greek folklore, music and dance, 298 p.

Lambert, Jean-Clarence (ed.): Poétique de la danse d’Euripide à Lorca. Paris, Falaize.

Lambert, Elisabeth: Fous de danse. Paris, Autrement, série Mutations No 51, juin 1983.

La danse de la collection de Madame Gilberte Cournand. Paris, Maître Paul Renaud, 1995. [catalogue]

Lange, Roderyk: The nature of dance. London, Macdonald & Evans, 1975.

Lange, Roderyk (ed.): Dance Studies 1, 2, . Channel Islands, 1976, 1977.

Lange, Roderyk (ed.): Dance Studies Vol. 1-20. Channel Islands, 1976-96.

Lange, Roderyk: Studia Choreologica, vol. 2, 2000.

Lange, Roderyk (editor): Studia Choreologica, vol. 6, 2004.

L’art de la danse. Bournemouth, Parkstone, 1997.

L’art du Ballet des origines à nos jours. Paris, Tambourinaire, 1952.

Lauzier: La tête dans le sac. Neuilly-sur-Seine, Dargaud, 1980.

Lawler, Lillian: The dance in Ancient Creece. London, Adam & Charles Black, 1964.

Lawler, Lillian: The dance in Ancient Greece, translation in Greek by Mirka Psaropoulou-Dimitriadi. Athens, Educational Association of Greek Dances & Centre of Traditional Dances. [in greek language]

Lazou, Anna, Raftis, Alkis, Borowska, Malgorzata (editors): Orchesis, texts on ancient Greek dance. Accompanied by a CD-ROM. Athens, Greek Dances Theatre “Dora Stratou” & Way of Life Publications, 2003.

Lazou, Anna, Raftis, Alkis, Borowska, Malgorzata (editors): Orchesis, texts on ancient Greek dance. Accompanied by a CD-ROM. Athens, Greek Dances Theatre “Dora Stratou” & Way of Life Publications, 2003. [revised]

Leguiel Marcel: La Sardana, la danse nostra, guide de la Sardane. Loire, 1963.

Les chercheurs et collecteurs en danse traditionnelle. Saint-Jouin-De-Milly, FAMDT, 1995.

Les danses sacrées, anthologie. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1963.

Les Grands Prix Video-Danse (1988-1994), Decembre 1995.

Les systèmes de notation de la danse, mai 1992

Le théâtre qui danse. Paris, Bouffonneries, 22/23

Lifar, Serge: Histoire du ballet russe. Paris, 1950, 320 p.

Lifar, Serge: Le livre de la danse. Paris, Société française de diffusion musicale et artistique, 1954.

Lechevalier, J.B.: Voyage de la Troade fait dans les années 1785 et 1786, tome 1. Paris, Dentu, 1802.

Lechevalier, J.B.: Voyage de la Troade fait dans les années 1785 et 1786, tome 2. Paris, Dentu, 1802.

Lechevalier, J.B.: Voyage de la Troade fait dans les années 1785 et 1786, tome 3. Paris, Dentu, 1802.

Lehman, Maurice: Danseurs et chanteurs de la Volga. France.

Lexova, Irena: Ancient Egyptian dances. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 2000.

Lido, Serge: Danse. Paris, 1949.

Lido, Serge: Etoiles et ballets soviétiques. Paris, 1968.

Lièvre, Viviane: Danses du Maghreb d’une rive à l’autre. Paris, 1987.

Lile, Emma: A step in time folk dancing in Wales. Amgueddfeydd Ac Orielau Cenedlaethol Cymru, National Museums & Galleries of Wales, 1999.Lisitsyan, Srbuhi: The old dances and theatrical performances of the Armenian people, tom 1.

Lisitsyan, Srbuhi: The old dances and theatrical performances of the Armenian people (in Russian). 2 volumes

Lobet, Marcel: La danse. Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1958.

Louis, Maurice: Danses populaires et ballets d’Opéra. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larousse, 1964.

Loutzaki, Irene: Dance as a cultural message. Belfast, The Queen’s University of Belfast, 1989, 2 volumes.

Luciano: La danza. Venezia, Marsilio, 1992.

Lynne Hanna, Judith : The language of dance. JOPERD, 72(4):40-45, 53, April 2001.

Mabille, A.: Danser grec à Athènes en 1988? Paris, U.E.R. de Sociologie Paris IV, 1987-88.

Magyar balletek M. Kir. Operahaz

Maier, Norman: La psychologie dans l’industrie tomes 1-2. Paris, Marabout, 1952.

Makrakis, Basil: Fire dances in Greece. Greece, Makrakis, 1982.

Mamontowicz-Lojek, Bozena: Terpsychora i lekkie muzy. Poland, Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1972.

Mamontowicz-Lojek, Bozena: Terpsychora i lekkie muzy. Taniec widowiskowy w Polsce w okresie miedzywojennym (1918-1939). Krakow, Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1972, 111 p. [Terpsichore and light muses. Spectacular dance in Poland (1918-1939)]

Marrocco, W. Thomas: Inventory of 15th century Bassedanze, Balli e Balletti. N.Y., Cord. Dance Research annual XIII, 1981.

Martin, György: Hungarian folk dances. Hungary, Kner Printing House, 1974.

Mauril, M.H.: Dans la brousse africaine. Lausanne, Signes des Temps, 1942.

May, Robin: La danse, je decouvre et j’aime. Paris, Deux Coqs d’Or, 1980.

Mazeran, Alain (ed.): Visages de la danse indienne. Paris, Alain Mazeran, 1988.

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Pastory, Jean-Pierre: La danse, Des Ballets russes à l΄avant-garde. Gallimard, 1997, 159 p.

Pastory, Jean-Pierre: La danse, 1/Du ballet de cour au ballet blanc. Dècouvertes Gallimard, Musique et dance, 1996, 144 p.

Stabel, Ralf (editor): Kreativitàt im Tanz. Dresden, Tanzwissenschaft e.V., 2001, 133 p.

Feliksdal, Benjamin: Modern Jazz Dance “Jazz, Rhythm, Body and Soul”. Netherlands, Bekebooks, 2004.

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Penn, Irving: Dancer. Arizona, Nazraeli Press, 2001.

Béjart, Maurice: L’autre chant de la danse. France, Flammarion, 1974.

Craine, Debra & Mackrell, Judith: The Oxford Dictionary of Dance. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004.

Alessandri, Laurence & Mounhim, Kaltoum: Petit manuel de Danse Orientale. Marabout, 2004.

Lilja, Efva: Words on dance. Katarinatryck, 2003.

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Shay, Anthony & Sellers-Young, Barbara: Belly Dance. Orientalism, Transationalism and Harem Fantasy. U.S.A., Costa Mesa, California, Mazda Publishers, Inc., 2005, p. 421.

Vaidyanathan, Kalaimamani Saroja: Classical Dances of India. India, New Delhi, Ganesa Natyalaya, 2004, 156 p.

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Demancel, Robert: “Sur la danse grecque”, Revue des deux mondes- vol. 59, 4e livraison, Paris, 15 Octobre 1930

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Guilcher, Yves: La danse traditionnelle en France, d’une ancienne civilisation paysanne à un loisir revivaliste. France, FAMDT, 2001.

Recolin, Virginie: Introduction à la danse orientale, pratique du mouvement spiralle. France, L’Harmattan, 2005

Magriel, Paul (editor): Nijinsky, Pavlova, Duncan: Three Lives in Dance. Da Capo Press, Inc., 1946-1947.

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Vossen, Maroussia: L’amie jalouse, entre danse et norexie. Paris, L’ Harmattan, 2004.

Stephenson, Geneviève: Photographier la Danse. Paris, Association Francaise d’ Action Artistique par Réflex Graphic, 1994.

Rittaud-Hutinet, Jacques: Les quatre corps de la danse, La Compagnie Hallet- Eghayan. Lyon, Editions Lyonnaises d’Art et d’Histoire.

Cheney, Gay: “Basic concepts in modern dance. A creative approach”, 3rd edition,.Princetown book company, New jersey, USA, 1989.

Garcetti, Gil: Dance in Cuba. Glendale, CA, USA, Balcony Press, 2005, 134 p.

Bodak, Suzanne: Living Heritage. François Malkovsky’s Free dance. Bonneuil, Association Mouvement-Musique, 2001. [with cd]

Fauley Emery, Lynne: Black Dance in the United States from 1619 to 1970.Dance Horizons, New York, 1980.

Mazloum, Nelly: Oriental Dance Technique. Astir, Athens, 1992.

Das Tanzerschicksal, Ersten International Symposium of International Organizationfor the Transition of Professional Dancers in Lausanne in May 1995

Anderson, Joan: “Twins on Toes, a Ballet Debut”. Lodestar books,New York, 1993

Grant, Gail: “Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet”. 3rd revised edition, Dover Publications, Inc., U.S.A.

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Cyrus, Duane & Savio, Joanne: Vital Grace, The Black Male Dancer, Edition Stemmle, New York, 1998

Tsiatsiou, Pavlina: “High-Tech” au service de choréographies gigantesques. Université Paris 8, Département Danse. Paris, Juin, 2006

Verrièle, Philippe: La Muse de mauvaise réputation, danse et érotisme. LaMusardine, Paris, 2006.

York University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Dance Student Handbook 2006-2007. York University Dancing World 2006.

Durand D., Douglas: Dancing our stories. Canada Council for the arts, Canada.

Pietragalla, Marie-Claude: Écrire la danse, De Ronsard à Antonin Artaud. Éditions Séguier, Biarritz, 2001

Maud, Nicolas-Daniel: Paysages des danses traditionnelles du monde, urbaines et de société (DTMUS) en region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 2004-2006. Agence Régionale des Arts du Spectacle, Région PACA, 2006.

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Robinson, Jacqueline: Une certaine idée de la danse. Réflexions au fil des jours. Paris, Chiron, 1997, 126 p.

Akinsipe, Felix A.: Talking bodies, a collection of dance libretos. Nigeria, University of Ilorin, Dpt of the performing arts, 2003.

Braunschweig, Philippe: La crise da ladanse – Der Tanz in der krise – The crisis of dance. Laussanne, Plusprint, 1993.

Giordano Bruni, Ciro: L’enseignement de la danse et après. France, GERMS, 1998.

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Frost, Helen: Oriental and character dances. New York, A. S. Barnes and company, 1927.

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Servos, Norbert (ed.): Schritte verfolgen. Die Tänzerin und Choreographin Susanne Linke. München, Kieser, 2005, 199 p.

Areibi, Khalil: Libyan dances (in Arabic). Tripoli, 2002, 95 p.

Senica, Franco: Le produzioni della danza italiana. Rome, Mediascena Europa, 1995.

Lecce, Maria Rosaria Di: 40 anni con la danza. Lecce, Italia, 2005.

Tiérou, Alphonse: Dooplé. Loi éternelle de la danse africaine. Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 1989.

Fragopoulos, M. & Zitelis, L: Ballet libretos. Soviet Compositor, Lenigrad, 1960.

Kramer, Klaus (editor): Informationen zum Tanz, 24, 21-23/11/2007, Deutscher Bundesverband Tanz E. V., Germany, 2007

Regan, Frank (ed.): North American dancesport almanac. USA, 2006.

Rawls, June: Ballroom dancers get hungry too. USA, Morris Press Cookbooks, 2007.

Gastelars, Yolande: 85 Jaar dans. Netherlands, NVD Holland Dance Promotion, 2005.

Satyanarayana, A.V.: Satyas Dance Therapy, The art of dancing for healthy living. Bangalore, India.

Sorell, Walter: The Dance through the ages. New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1912.

Aulestia, Patricia: Las “chicas bien” de Miss Carroll. Estudio y Ballet Carroll (1923-1964). Mexico, Conaculta, 2005?

Pérez, Maria Elena: Evolucion de la danza profesional clàsica y contemporànea en Chile. Santiago de Chile, 2006, 91 p.

Munoz, Marta Amor: Argentina y sus danzas. Buenos Aires, Filmediciones Valero, 1978, 170 p.

Pérez, Maria Elena & Guelbet, Vladimir: Diccionario de ballet. Santiago de Chile, Editorial Universitaria, 2006, 138 p.

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Gumus, Burak: Türkische Aleviten vom Osmanischen Reich bis zur heutigen Türkei. Konstanz, Hartung-Gorre, 2001.

Morales, P. Patricio: Los danzantes del Sol. Ecuador, 2002.

Aulestia, Patricia: Mi ballet nacional ecuatoriano. Mexico, Escenologia, Coleccion Danza, 2004. [includes CD]

Sasportes, José: Pensar a Danca a reflexao estetica de Mallarmé a Cocteau, 2a edicao. Imprensa Nacional – Cas da Moeda, Coleccao arte e artistas, 2006.

Munoz Zielinski, Margarita: Danza y Critica. Spain, Editorial Azarbe, S. L., 2007.

Duncan Isadora: El arte de la danza y otros escritos. Madrid, Ediciones Akal, S.A., 2003, 190 p.

Adewole F. & Matchett D. & Prescod C.: Voicing Black Dance. The British Experience 1930s – 1990s. London, ADAD, 2007.

Lange, Roderyk: Studia Choreologica, vol. 9. Poland, 2007.

El Legado Artistico De Jose Limon, Conmemoracion Por El Centenario De Su Natalico (1908 – 2008). Mexico, Jose Limon Dance Foundation, Inc. 2007 (double)

Camara E. & Islas H.: La Ensenanza De La Danza Contemporanea, Una Experiencia De Investigacion Colectiva. Mexico, Inst. Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, 2007, 421 p.

Raftis, Alkis: Il mondo della danza greca. Quaderni della Taranta. Translation by Giorgio di Lecce. Firenza, Taranta, 2001.

Pujade-Renaud, Claude: La Danza Oceana. Mexico, De Guanajuato Al Mundo, 2007, 100 p.

Servos, Norbert: Pina Bausch – Tanztheater, Fotos von Gert Weigelt. Germany, K. Kieser, 2003, 255 p.

Yerima, Ahmed & Ojo-Rasaki, Bakare & Udoka, Arnold (editors): Critical Perspectives on Dance in Nigeria. Nigeria, Kraft Books Limited, 2005, 322 p.

Sokovikova, Natalia Victorovna: Choreographic dictionary (in Russian). Novosibirsk, Soba, 2007, 292 p.

Grut, Marina: Royal Swedish Ballet. History from 1592 to 1962. Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2007.

Carlés Abad, Ana: Historia del ballet y de la danza moderna. Madrid, Alianza, 2004, 2008.

La danza Italiana, vol. 1, Autumn/1984. Roma, Theoria, 1984.

Romano, Maurizio & Carocci, Mauro: La danza e l’allineamento corporeo. Roma, Soc. LASER, 1985.

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Ekelund, Susanne & Yasko, Jeanne: The first 10 years. NorrDans första 10 ar. Härnösand, Sweden, 2008, 64 p.

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Cohen, Einya & Hetz, A.: Study and studio. Bartok’s bagatelles. Study pages in Eshkol-Wachmann Movement Notation. Jerusalem, Academy of Music and Dance, 1993.

Cohen, Einya: D’Muyot Wandering Figures. Five dance scores in Eshkol-Wachmann Movement Notation. Jerusalem, Academy of Music and Dance, 2001.

Cohen, Einya: The contribution of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation to multiculturalism and stylistic diversity in dance. Music in time. Jerusalem, Academy of Music and Dance, 2007.

Chepalov, Alexander: Choreographic theatre in Western Europe in the 20th century (in Russian). Kharkov, 2007, 343 p.

Chepalov, Alexander: Destiny of the mocker, or new wanderings of Frakass. Director and ballet master N. M. Foregger (in Russsian). Kharkov, 2001, 188 p.

Ozdemir, Kemal: Oryantal Göbek Dansi. Istanbul, Dönence, Ocak, 2000.

Petit, Véronique: Le goût de la danse. France, Mercure de France, 2008

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Negry, Gabriel: Codex choreic. Sinteze coregrafice comentate. Bucuresti, Little Star Impex, 1996, 192 p.

Leach, Barbara: Le destin des danseurs. Lausanne, L’Organisation Internationale pour la Reconversion des Danseurs Professionnels, 1997.

Louison-Lassablière, Marie-Joëlle: Feuillets pour Terpsichore. La danse par les textes du XVe au XVII siècle. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2007, 242 p.

Darius, Adam: Arabesques through time. A life in ballet through three centuries. Helsinki, Harlequinade books, 2007.

Tommingas, Mare et al.: The Vanemuine Ballet 70, 1939-2009. Tartu, Estonia, Teater Vanemuine, 2009, 183 p. & DVD.

Terry, Walter & Renner, Jack: 100 years of Dance Posters. New York, Flare Books, 1975.

Martinez Villareal, Homero Alonso: Manolo Vargas. Una vida consagrada a la danza. La Naranja, Monterrey, Mexico, 2008, 288 p.

Schlaich, Joan & DuPont, Betty (editors): Dance – The art of production. NJ, A Dance Horizons Book, second edition, 1988.

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Pépratx-Saisset, Henry: La Sardane. La danse des Catalans.

Lange, Roderyk: Studia Choreologica, vol. 11. Poland, 2010.

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Lee Byoung-ok: Korean folk dance. Seoul, Korea Foundation, 2008, 159 p.

Cohen, Einya: Circles. Two dances. Scores in Eshkol-Wachman movement notation. Jerusalem, 2009, 41 p.

Delavaud-Roux, Marie-Hélène (direction): Musiques et danses dans l’Antiquité. Rennes, Presses Universitaires, 2011.

Klein, Petra: Dance of life. Germany, Dieter Balsies Verlag, 1998.

Josipovic, Aleksandar: Let’s Dance. Nove metode u plesnoj Pedagogiji. Beograd, Zuhra, 2011, 203 p.

Feliksdal, Benjamin: Jazzdans als conditietraining. Dancercise. Utrecht, Zwarte Beertjes, 1984, 144 p.

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Feliksdal, Benjamin: Hedendaags ballet. Algemene Ballettechniek Bewegingselementen van het Klassiek Ballet volgens de Vaganova-methode. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Bakebooks, 2006, 249 p.

Feliksdal, Benjamin: Urban dance jazzdans. Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Bakebooks, 2009, 230 p.

Taralunga, Antip & Gozun, Petru: Codreanca – Clubul Sportiv de Dans. Chisinau, 2009, 200 p.

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Negry, Gabriel: Memoria dansului. Breviar despre arta coregraficâ. Bucuresti, Editura Muzicala, 1986, 216+16 p.

Deleon, Jak : Kisa Bale ve Modern Dans Tarihi (Kids ballet and History of Modern Dance). Istanbul, Altın Kitaplar Yayınevi, 1993, 296 p.

Schott-Billmann, France: Le besoin de danser. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2001, 238 p.

Schonberg, Bent (editor): World Ballet and Dance 1989-1990, 268 p. London, Dance Books, 1989.

Schonberg, Bent (editor): World Ballet and Dance 1990-1991, 302 p. London, Dance Books, 1990.

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Lebourges, Solange: En busca del dégagé perfecto. Terminologia del ballet. México, Universidad Nacional Autonoma, 2006, 45 p.

Uralskaya, Valeria & Levkoeva, Natalia: Where the stars are born. International Ballet Competitions. Moscow, Ballet Magazine, 2009.

Erohina, Olga : School of dance for children. Rostov-on-Don, Feniks, 2003, 224 p.

Verechagina, Tatjana: Secrets of Arabian dance. Rostov-on-Don, Feniks, 2005, 160 p.

Delgado Martinez, Cesar: Patricia Aulestia: Cuatro decadas en la danza Mexicana. Mexico, Conaculta, 2010.

Castro, Mauricio: Tango, Die Struktur des Tanzes II, die Matrix. Germany, Abrazos, 2003, 115 p.

Bech, Marit: La danza e i bambini. Curso propedeutico di danza per bambini da 4 a 8 anni. Roma, Atanor, 2008, 79 p.

Castro, Mauricio: Tango, Die Struktur des Tanzes II, die Matrix. Germany, Abrazos, 2003, 115 p.

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Dionissiou, Georges: Classic ballet terminology for daily training. Thessaloniki, Movement Terminology Editions-Mannequin Studio of Greece, 2003, 63 p.

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Ménestrier, Claude-François: Des ballets anciens et modernes, 1682.

Shay, Antony: Choreographic Politics, State Folk Dance Companies, Representation, and Power. Connecticut, Wesleyan University Press, 2002.

Bech, Marit: Mimica nella danza. Roma, Atanor, 2009, 57 p.

Dalle origini al floklore. L’abito dei danzerini di Lucinico, 1st edition, 2004.

Verrièle, Philippe: La question du chorégraphe via Pascal Montrouge. France, Noys, 2008.

Ehrenreich, Barbara: Dancing in the streets. A history of collective joy. London, Granta Books, 2008.

Trindade, Ana Ligia: A escrita da danza. A notacao do movimento e a preservacao da memoria coreografica. Canoas, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, 2008, 144 p.

Danser sa vie. Art et danse de 1900 à nos jours. Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2011, 320 p.

Strova, Maria: Salomè. Il mito, la danza dei sette veli. Roma, De Angelis Art, 2011, 201 p. [with cd]

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Danser sa vie. Ecrits sur la danse. Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2011, 237 p.

Mayer-Karakis, Brigitt: Ballroom icons. A journey through the lives of dancers, doers and devotees of the ballroom world. Canada, Mayer-Karakis, 2009, 295 p.

Dallal, Tamalyn: 40 days and 1001 nights. One Woman’s Dance through Life in the Islamic World. USA, Melati Press, 2007, 300 p.

Sokovikova, Natalia Victorovna (ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd Siberian Research Congress. Choreography Education in Siberia. Novosibirsk, Russia, 2011, 179 p.

Sokovikova, Natalia Victorovna (ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd Siberian Research Congress. Choreography Education in Siberia. Novosibirsk, Russia, 2011, 179 p.

Sokovikova, Natalia Victorovna: Psychology of ballet (in Russian). Novosibirsk, Russia, 2012, 330 p.

Sokovikova, Natalia Victorovna: Psychology of ballet (in Russian). Novosibirsk, Russia, 2012, 330 p.

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Lever, Maurice: Isadora Duncan. Dansin Tanriçasi. Istanbul, Everest Yayinlari, Unutulmayan Kadinlar 4, 2003, 460 p.

Jacquin, Renée: La danse antique aux fêtes de Delphes (1927-1930), 24 p.

Lawler, Lillian B.: The dance of the ancient Greek theatre. Iowa City, University of Iowa Press, 1964, 135 p.

Buttaud, Dominique & Alain Josserand: De la danse à la mobilité interne du corps. France, Friches et bordures, 2011, 276 p.

Zickgraf, Peer: Völkerschau und Totentanz. Germany, Marburg, Jonas, 2012.

Jacques, F. Michel: Tango before breakfast. Profile of a choreographer, volume I. USA, Xlibris corporation, 2010, 150 p.

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Loukina, A.G.: Traditional dances of Saha. Novosibirsk, 2005, 356 p.

Risimkin, Risima (ed.): On the wings of dance. Skopje, Interart, 2010, 116 p.

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Leeper, Janet: English ballet. London and New York, King Penguin Books, 1945, 55 p.

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Buonaventura, Wendy: Something in the way she moves. Dancing women from Salome to Madonna. U.K., 2003.313 p.

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Raftis, Alkis: Danse et poésie. Anthologie internationale de poèmes sur la danse, 3ème édition augmentée. Athènes, Théâtre de danses grecques ‘Dora Stratou’ , 2014, 621 p.

Prpa, Branka (ed.): Milorad Miskovic. Igrati zivot. Dancing life. Beograd, 2009, 248 p.

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Alfirevic, Dragana: Nomad Dance. Academy publication. Skopje, 2011, 130 p.

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Kurtsia Ferrari: Dance is life. Goddess Isadora Duncan (in Russian). Saint Petersburg, Peterburg 21st Century, Kraft+, 2002, 272 p.

Iris J. Stewart, author, “Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance:  Awakening Spirituality Through Movement and Ritual”

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